Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Can I use hair straightener....?

....that's made specially for African-American hair, even though I have fine hair (and I'm Caucasian)? I have extremely curly hair and it will not straighten with a flat iron or with a normal chemical treatment.

Do you think using something like that would work, or would it damage my hair?

Can I use hair straightener....?

if you have tried everything i would think the only alternative would be go to the salon and have it done professionally. I'm sure they can get it straight but if you say that you can't straighten it with an iron, the time that your hair will actually stay straight (if you go to the salon) probably wont be that long

Can I use hair straightener....?

yes you can use it.

it will damage if you put it on very hott.

i use streghtner sometimes..

Can I use hair straightener....?

i use them!!

they are extra hot and help me get ready faster in the morining because i dont have to hold the curling iron there as long.

use a protective serum or spray, and make sure you dont treat them like a regular straightener, they are VERY HOT so you cant leave them on your hair as long as a regular one.

Can I use hair straightener....?

hey...dont worry! i used the straightner you are talking about and its fine! go 4 it! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

Can I use hair straightener....?

to tell u one thing DO NOT use the chi straightening treatment. Jacked up my hair. use a relaxer. they're easier and much better on sensitive hair. Good Luck =D

Can I use hair straightener....?

yes u can. it'll only do damage if u use it everyday.

Can I use hair straightener....?

Go for it but make sure that you use a very good conditioner else your hair could dry out leading to limpness and split ends happened when I got ready for a function at my Uni had bad hair for 3 months afterwards

Can I use hair straightener....?

Dont worry about it you can use it just dont put it too hott!

Can I use hair straightener....?

I think you just need a better straightening iron. I would save up and purchase a Chi. They are pretty expensive but well worth the price.

Also, have you tryed to round brush your hair? Maybe before you try to use the iron blow dry it out first with a round brush. It will help relax the curls.

Invest in some straighening products. I have curly hair as well and I have an incredible amount of hair product I've tried throughtout the years. Go to your hair dresser and tell her what you're trying to achieve and I'm sure she will have lots of suggestions. Enjoy always has great products.

Can I use hair straightener....?

it will probably damage your hair but hey if you put anything hot in your hair it will damage it eventually!

Can I use hair straightener....?

ughhh.. well i am caucasian, and i have the thickest curliest frizziest hair ever!!! i first wash it obviously, then put a syrum in it for frizz and moisture lock in.. then comb it..dont brush

use a very hot blow dryer with a diffuser on the end.. get a large round brush and blow dry about 2 inch pieces at a time..put your hair tight around the brush while you do it!! and keep blow drying till straight. once you are done, go over with a straightener! it will take you a while at first to get the hang of it, but it gets your hair super straight if you do it right!

Can I use hair straightener....?

take your time and have it on the hightest temp.

Can I use hair straightener....?

I think is not a good idea 2 use straightener kuz u would loose yor hair but a good thing 2 do is do your hair in different style i have curly hair 2 sumtimes i would like 2 use the hair straightener but i think is not a good idea kuz i would loose my hair i know it look nice when people have their hair straight there is sum people that have straight hair %26amp; that they want curly hair but honestly people look nise when they respect there physical appear %26amp; being positive

xoxo luv veronica

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