I have damaged my hair really bad!!
I Have african American Hair that can't be washed every other day......and I have a perm
How To Get Healthy Hair??
I'm an Afro American woman with a perm too %26amp; your right, don't wash it every other day. But, make sure your hair is clean %26amp; use a leave in conditioner that will restore moisture to the hair. Also, talk to your beautiican ablout other things you could do to restore your hair's health . Another thing you could do while your there is ask her to give you a wrap. There easy to take care of %26amp; after she takes it out of the wrap %26amp; stlyes it. You go home that night wrap it in the same direction she did and tie a scarf around it. When you wake up in the morning comb it outta the wrap %26amp; go. Plus, with a wrap you don't use heat. Heat, burns the hair which will damage it further.
Keep, it olied %26amp; get your ends cut every six week to get rid of split ends. Also, you could take a vitamin with zinc in it or buy zinc at your nearest health food store. Take it while doing this and you'll see results. Also, inbetween oiling I use Organic Root Stimulater's Carrot Oil. It prevents shedding and breakage and you'll see results in 5 days ! It works I use it on the regular as part of my hair care regemend. My hair is longer then it was before but I haven't reached my desired length yet. Its a slow process but you'll get great results.
How To Get Healthy Hair??
hmm i would get tresemme shampoo for dry or damaged hair (or something like that). also eat a healthy diet w/ grains fruits veggies and protien.
How To Get Healthy Hair??
If your hair isn't already naturally strong %26amp; you want really healthy, shiny hair then you shouldn't damage it with anything artificial (perm, straightening, hair dye) because that just creates ugly unnatural hair.
Try to get a trim to cut off those split ends, then get some vitamins for your hair (do some research), eat a balanced diet, and finally, use shampoo %26amp; conditioner that works to make your hair stronger rather in addition to cleaning it (i think pantene is the best for your hair.)
How To Get Healthy Hair??
Girl Try some carrot oil or tea tree oil..Just put it in your hair after each time you wash it..You can get it from the hair store or any vitamin store..It worked for my hair. The oil has so many nutrients in it for your hair to be healthy too!!
How To Get Healthy Hair??
try redken's extreme shampoo and conditioner...its a miracle...it helps damaged hair.
How To Get Healthy Hair??
Dont go out and buy anything expensive.
First: Purchase a mild Shampoo (To Clarify hair, I will explain why)
Second: TRIM your hair ends (May 1 1/2 to 2 inches)
Third: Here's the magic part: Mix olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and a "little" honey, (honey u will have to heat so it can blend). Either leave on ALL day or all night (if all nite, DONT use honey)
Use a teaspoon of every oil and honey,.... a little more if ur hair is long or a little less if ur hair is short
Repeat this 3-4 times a week, your hair will grow like a weed, fortify, reconstruct, moisturize, soften %26amp; remove all frizz I promise,..... and it will be super shiny!!!!
The clairifying shampoo will help take the oil off your hair when u shower
You can also use a conditioner but get a light conditioner that wont wiegh ur hair down, becuz u can over condition, I use herbl essences "clean happy" conditioner.
When I do this at nite, I wake up, shampoo %26amp; condition, rinse and style as usual. Has worked for years
You can find olive oil anywere, but the other oils you will have to buy at a local organics store, wholes foods or BJ's health corner.
Source: http://www.myspace.com/creaturemermaid.....
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