Sunday, June 20, 2010

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

Are they trying to emulate white ppl or are they ashamed of their nappy hair?

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

They do it for the same reason other people with curly hair straighten theirs. They're trying to conform to the current standard for beauty which happens to be straight hair. Most ethnic features aren't considered the standard, therefore people of minority groups usually torture themselves in order to look like the standard.

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

I think its because African Americans dont like nappy hair. They see what their hair is capable of and they go for it. Regardless of the risks. Perms for African Americans can really damage growth, especially if its given at a young age. So I guess thats my answer.

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

I think its just a preference of style. Maybe they don't think its necessary, but they just want to. Like I wear green contacts lenses because I always wanted green eyes....?

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

It's just the style they like. If they want straight hair, fine. If they want "nappy" hair, go for it. We're all people here, and our hair should be the least of concerns in who we are.

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

I think it is from centuries of being brainwashed into thinking that "black" hair is not "good" hair. It is a trick used by white oppressors to make black people feel inferior.

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

Speaking as an African American woman I relax my hair because I like it straight not because I am ashamed of nappy hair or am I trying to be something I am not.

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

African American hair is very versatile and perming is only one of many beautiful and convenient ways to wear it. Why do refer to your hair style as "dreads", as in dreadful?

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

I refuse to turn this into a racial issue.

They do what they want.

No, I do not say this sarcastically.

A friend of mine processes her hair soley for the fact that she finds straight hair easier to take care of.

It 's the opposite of what happened in the 80's when everyone was crimping their hair, except it is just as damaging.

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

For the same reason other races change their hairstyls. Black women are not the only ones who get weaves, perm or color their hair. infact all races do it. I have a white friend from Finland who told me she relaxed her hair at a black salon and people were making a big deal about it. Think about how many natural blondes you know or how many nonblack celebrities have fake hair. I perm my hair sometimes but it doesnt make me any less black , it is just my personal decision.I am proud of who i am and my occasional fro.

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

I am an African American girl, and I feel that it is necessary to relax my hair because I know it looks a mess when it's natural. I'm not trying to impress anyone by straightening it, I just don't want to look like a dust bunny.

My mom allowed me to get a perm because combing nappy hair was tiring. Having straight hair, it's easier to do certain styles.

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

I think that African American women feel it necessary to relax their hair because straighter hair seems to be easier to manage and style. Aside from that it seems to be more acceptable in the work place etc etc...For the most part I don't believe that many african american women are ashamed of their nappy hair, although there may be some who exist that are. I do think that the roots of all of this may stem from the fact that many African American women are trying to emulate white people...there is always that possibility.

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

I got my hair relaxed b/c I was tired of the wavy curly hair I had, it was just a horrible nightmare for me, but yes, I can see your point of view.

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

Several people believe they absolutely have to get perms so it will make their hair more manageable and silky-like. My hair is natural thick curly hair and i love my hair texture, if i want it straight or more wavy than curly--I use a little heat. My hair is easy to comb and style because i know how to take care of it and i use the correct conditioners, detanglers and moisturizers. Our hair will never be that silky-silky texture though when we relax or flat iron our hair, it is our version of silk hair. I am growing my hair out long and I am not trying to emulate white women. Black women (like any woman of any other race in this world) can have long hair to if they correctly take care of it and let it grow. It's nonsense for people to think that women and our race can't or should not have long hair just because white women have long hair so it means we don't love ourselves or something. White, Latino, Mexican, spanish, Asian women and even women in africa have hair down their backs after years of growth and maintenance. I have friends form different cities in africa and most of them have long, wavy hair down their backs--a couple maintain short hairstyles unless they get braids. My sisters still relax their hair though and it's not about emulating white women. They feel that's the best method for controlling their hair the easiest way. Some women do have pretty looking relaxed hair that is healthy and strong with a nice sheen to it. Personally, i do believe that if you can't comb through your hair or it's matted's not right. God gave black women beautiful hair too and whether we wear it relaxed or natural, long or short--it's vital that we take care of it (conditioning and moisturizing) and keep it strong and healthy. Unlike my sisters, I take a little longer to detangle or comb my hair of course. I have pride in my natural hair. They have pride in their relaxed hair--and i don't think anything is wrong with either. It's my choice and it's their choice.

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

I don't think it's that necessary. Most black women I see just put lotion in their hair, put their hair up, or cut it a certain way and they look really great. But I guess hair-straightening is okay if it's done safely. I knew of a girl years ago who was temporarily blinded after she had a bad straightening chemical put in her hair and it dripped down into her eyes when she was sweating. I'm white, but my hair is naturally wavy and I just use a boar's hair brush to keep it in control. Those things work wonders, and are worth the price.

As for the racial side of this, though, I don't think that hairstyle is a top priority in the debate over racial equality. I know I'm a silly suburban white girl and all that, but when I went to school and learned about the Civil Rights Movement I didn't hear any lectures on hair-related racism. Segregation, Jim Crow and Martin Luther King were discussed a lot, but not hair. I think it's just a style thing, and not to be taken seriously. There are more important things in life.

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

we relax our hair cause thats how we want it...straight.holla at me

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

i dont know maybe they want longer hair one of my friends told me relaxers would make my hair straight and i used one box and my hair felt like a rubber band

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

NO, I'M NOT TRYING TO LOOK OR ACT WHITE. I'm tried of adding heat to my hair. Heat cause your hair to dry out and break off. I prefer to add a relaxer, so I can roll it up nightly, and take a shower without me hot combing the edges in the morning. Never ashamed of nappy hair, but you cant work in an office with a $400 suit on and your hair look nappy. That does not look right, or professional.

Why do African-American women feel that it is necessary to relax their hair?

If you take great pride in your natural hair - great! I wear my hair natural; I love the texture and the fact that I can't comb my hair. Many people are envious of the fact that can have totally different hairstyles each day because of what the texture allows me to do.

Some black woman can't deal with it. They simply want to be able to put a comb through their hair. That's not wrong, that's just personal preference.

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