Sunday, June 20, 2010

Im african american i heard that if i perm my hair my hair follicle drug test wont show a one time u

i smoked one time back in january. just an extra note i am small and my metabolism is fast

Im african american i heard that if i perm my hair my hair follicle drug test wont show a one time use of weed

Perms do not change the DNA of your hair. They just relax the hair openings in the follicle.

Im african american i heard that if i perm my hair my hair follicle drug test wont show a one time use of weed

Your information is wrong. There is no way to purge your hair follicles of drugs.

Im african american i heard that if i perm my hair my hair follicle drug test wont show a one time use of weed

i dunno who told you that fable but it is a fable. want to test free of anything illegal? well, either stay away from the stuff or wait and abstain for several days/weeks, then go for it. by the way, your hair is a map of what you are, who you are and sometimes where you are! if you are doing something you shouldn't, you hair can be your worst enemy!

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